
How do we allow members to join from our corporate site

If you set the system setting, "Default Sponsor for no handle prospects
(Use N/A if there is no default sponsor)" to a handle/username like corp rather than leaving it as it is....

If I joined your company and send someone to www.domain.com/dennis and they take off the /dennis and only goto www.domain.com (people repeatedly do this, we have no explanation why!) now he signed up and ends up enrolled by corp, the company! Just as bad if it is another members username/handle!

Now dennis is TICKED OFF. He will likely go to every MLM spam scam and complaints internet bulletin board an make your corporate name disintigrate by telling all to avoid you as you steal members etc. etc.

Very, very, very bad idea. Very, very, very bad for business...

If your concern is all the amazing folks Google is going to bring to your website anonymously, DON'T be. It isn't going to happen. Google will NOT index your site as you are an MLM with replicated websites. Once you grow large enough, you would prefer to lose the odd guy who did trip across you accidentally, than have a "Dennis" out there working against you, or WORSE YET not joining in the first place as he saw the hole in your system on first look...

If you are wanting to do paid advertising or Google Adwords etc., corporately, you should advertise the URL www.domain.com/corp OR buy a different domain and redirect to www.domain.com/corp or any other user you set up for tracking purposes.

This allows you also to monitor the effect of the campaign should you set up multiple users and have ads go to various usernames.

Really want to do things right from an advertising point of view? Talk to INS about Omsys and the Ad Co-op functionality so you can get the advertising budget shared by your members and start to create a perpetual motion machine with your advertising dollars, vs. overloading ONLY your corporate VP of Marketing in all the follow up.

You should never allow a member to join from www.domain.com